Monday, May 7, 2007


Recently I decided to sell my old car and get a new one; I sold my car with a good profit and began car hunting. For the past few weeks I have been looking for a new car that can represent me and define me, a car that no one around me has or owns and after searching for a while I finally found the perfect car, the car that could be called “Unique” just like ME .
As you can see from the picture this is my car, its OPEL, its really nice and I love it. I got this car for a really good price and had it checked before I buy it by the AA company to be safe and not regret it later. However, even though everything is great and the car is in excellent condition, my friends kept telling me that OPEL is a nice car but we don’t recommend it because its hard to find spare parts and OPEL services is expansive, but even after what they said I ignored them and bought the car because I personally really like it and see my self in it, so today I paid for the car.
BUT now I need your opinion please,
The question is what do you think I should do? Follow my friend’s opinions or follow what I think “my own opinion”?


Sulaiman said...

well congratulations ... and drive carefully..

Hamood said...
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Hamood said...


Zainab said...

بعد التحية،

وجدت موقعك بينما كنت أبحث عن نيوزلندا لإهتمامي بها ، أرجوا أن تدرج بريدك الإلكتروني أو وسيلة للإتصال بك فثمة الكثير من الأمور التي أود مناقشتها
جزيل الشكر وفائق الإحترام


Silveroo The Sailor said...

is that it? I think you need to come back and post something!